Melbourne, Studio Nicholas Building, friends and exhibitions, [between 1993 and 2002]
Scope and contents
Shows Vali's studio in Melbourne at the Nicholas Building, Swanston Street. Includes interior views of her studio-gallery showing Vali painting the walls pink and setting up the studio, Vali looking out from the window over Swanston Street to St Paul's Cathedral, Vali with a raven in the studio, the furniture and layout with items now in the Archive including her brass bed, wooden chair, silver table, fox sculpture, her paintbox on the brass bed and work in progress. Also the walls covered with laminated photographs documenting her life which are now held at H2022.23/1-219 and blow-ups and framed reproductions of her drawings. Also friends and visitors to her studio and going out including Jenny Kee, Graznia, the poet Lee Fuhler, Ruth Cullen, Nicole Karidis, Robert Yarra, John Druce, John Power, Lee Fuhler, Carol Beckwith (H2022.22/984 and 2 photographs by her). Also photographs taken by James Lauritz of Vali in the studio (H2022.22/825-828), Vali with her dingo Gypsy Rose from the Dingo farm, the lift attendants at the Nicholas Building, views of Vali's exhibitions and opening including her first Sydney Exhibition at Mary Place Gallery, possibly the exhibition at the Emerald Hill Gallery, and possibly Vali's house she stayed at in East Melbourne. Also includes some photographs of Vali walking in the Fitzroy Gardens, feeding possums and walking in the city. Includes some photographs signed on verso by Carol Beckwith 2003. Also includes a photograph of Vali with Kamahl and two polacolor photographs of Vali dressed in a white fur on a horse cart and with Carol Beckwith at unknown location, possibly New York (H2022.22/1066-1067). H2022.22/1069 is a photograph of Vali's friend Chris at the Ganges Town Hall in France, see also H2022.22/411-419 for further photographs of Chris. There are portraits by Darren James of Vali Myers in the Nicholas Building studio wearing a flower in her hair, close up showing rings and tattooes, and photographed with the fox sculpture, reading her diary, and with her large blow-ups of her drawings on the walls, H2022.22/1263-1274. Larger prints of some of these photographs by Darren James at H2019.51/157-161, LTAF 137.
- [between 1993 and 2002]
285 photographs : chromogenic
- Box: PCLTA 2546 Box 4 (Graphic materials)
Repository details
Part of the Pictures Collection, State Library Victoria Repository
328 Swanston Street
Melbourne Victoria 3000 Australia
03 8664 7002