Box ColesMyer Box 142
Contains 26 Results:
"Market Analysis of the Sydney Metropolitan Area" by Larry Smith & Co., 1/05/1963 - 31/05/1963
1 volume -- Conservation note: Material removed from manilla folders and put into bags and wallets. Staples, pins, paper clips removed.
"Regional Development in Australia" by Dr. F.J.B. Stilwell and J.M. Hardwick, 1/03/1973 - 31/03/1973
1 volume -- Conservation note: Material removed from manilla folders and put into bags and wallets. Staples, pins, paper clips removed.
City of Adelaide Planning Study, 1/09/1973 - 30/09/1973
1 volume -- Conservation note: Material removed from manilla folders and put into bags and wallets. Staples, pins, paper clips removed.
Newspaper articles on town planning, retail shopping trends, 1/01/1953 - 31/12/1965
1 bag -- Conservation note: Material removed from manilla folders and put into bags and wallets. Staples, pins, paper clips removed.
"Potential for Arcade Development Incorporating Ways' Building" by George J. Connor & Associates, 1/04/1966 - 30/04/1966
1 bag -- Conservation note: Material removed from manilla folders and put into bags and wallets. Staples, pins, paper clips removed.
"Comparison of Retail Sales Trends in Australia's 50 Largest Urban Centres 1957-1962" by George J. Connor & Associates, 1/10/1963 - 31/10/1963
1 bag -- Conservation note: Material removed from manilla folders and put into bags and wallets. Staples, pins, paper clips removed.
Comparison of Retail Sales Trends in Australian Capital Cities 1957-1962 as revealed by the Commonwealth census" by George J. Connor & Associates, 1/09/1962 - 30/09/1962
1 bag -- Conservation note: Material removed from manilla folders and put into bags and wallets. Staples, pins, paper clips removed.
The Journal of the Retail Traders' Association of Australia Vol.44, No.9, 1/04/1963 - 30/04/1963
1 bag -- Conservation note: Material removed from manilla folders and put into bags and wallets. Staples, pins, paper clips removed.
"Census of Retail Establishments and other Services" by Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics, 1/06/1962 - 30/06/1962
1 bag -- Conservation note: Material removed from manilla folders and put into bags and wallets. Staples, pins, paper clips removed.
"Operating Costs of Department Stores - results 1960/61, Australia and New South Wales, 1/08/1962 - 31/08/1962
1 bag -- Conservation note: Material removed from manilla folders and put into bags and wallets. Staples, pins, paper clips removed.