Box-folder 455.1
Contains 19 Results:
Note to J.J. Shillinglaw, n.d.
Says that he has been aboard the “Nelson” all day, and asking Shillinglaw to come to see him. (1 page)
Note to J.J. Shillinglaw, n.d.
Asks Shillinglaw to come to the library for a drink. Headed “11 a.m.”. (1 page)
Barry, Sir Redmond, Carlton Gardens, Melbourne, to Marcus Clarke, 13 February, 1875
Covering a letter from the Manager of the Union Bank. Instructs Clarke to have a copy made that he will lay before the Trustees. (1 page)
Barry, Sir Redmond, Supreme Court, to Marcus Clarke, 13 December, 1878
Congratulations on a new position. His years at the library will enable him to a pension. In a confidential postscript, Barry mentions his disapproval of Clarke's manner of leaving without direct communication with the Trustees. (3 pages)
Carrington, Charles Robert Wynn-Carrington, Earl, Government House, Sydney, to Hamilton Mackinnon, 13 February, 1886
Acknowledgement of the receipt of two books, on of which is His Natural Life. (3 pages)
Deakin, Alfred, Parliament House, Melbourne, to Marion Clarke, 18 November, 1890
Acknowledgement of a letter.
Deakin, Alfred, Legislative Assembly, Victoria, to Marion Clarke. (Mrs. Marcus Clarke), 30 June, 1896
Acknowledging receipt of the first volume of her husband's works. Had left a minute that she was to be offered the first vacancy of a post in East Melbourne. (2 pages)
Fitzgibbon, Edmond Gerald, Town Hall, Melbourne, to Marcus Clarke, 17 October, 1878
Regarding a well at Clarke's house, and the state of the soil. (2 pages)
Loose clippings filed in envelopes.
Green cloth binding entitled "Clippings and things".