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Box-folder 455.1


Contains 19 Results:

Note to J.J. Shillinglaw, n.d.

 Item — box-folder: 455.1

Says that he has been aboard the “Nelson” all day, and asking Shillinglaw to come to see him. (1 page)

Dates: n.d.
Found in: Australian Manuscripts Collection, State Library Victoria / MS 8222, Papers of Marcus Clarke / Series I: Correspondence / Sub-series 1: Outwards letters

Note to J.J. Shillinglaw, n.d.

 Item — box-folder: 455.1

Asks Shillinglaw to come to the library for a drink. Headed “11 a.m.”. (1 page)

Dates: n.d.
Found in: Australian Manuscripts Collection, State Library Victoria / MS 8222, Papers of Marcus Clarke / Series I: Correspondence / Sub-series 1: Outwards letters

Barry, Sir Redmond, Carlton Gardens, Melbourne, to Marcus Clarke, 13 February, 1875

 Item — box-folder: 455.1

Covering a letter from the Manager of the Union Bank. Instructs Clarke to have a copy made that he will lay before the Trustees. (1 page)

Dates: 13 February, 1875
Found in: Australian Manuscripts Collection, State Library Victoria / MS 8222, Papers of Marcus Clarke / Series I: Correspondence / Sub-series 2: Letters to or about Marcus Clarke

Barry, Sir Redmond, Supreme Court, to Marcus Clarke, 13 December, 1878

 Item — box-folder: 455.1

Congratulations on a new position. His years at the library will enable him to a pension. In a confidential postscript, Barry mentions his disapproval of Clarke's manner of leaving without direct communication with the Trustees. (3 pages)

Dates: 13 December, 1878
Found in: Australian Manuscripts Collection, State Library Victoria / MS 8222, Papers of Marcus Clarke / Series I: Correspondence / Sub-series 2: Letters to or about Marcus Clarke

Carrington, Charles Robert Wynn-Carrington, Earl, Government House, Sydney, to Hamilton Mackinnon, 13 February, 1886

 Item — box-folder: 455.1

Acknowledgement of the receipt of two books, on of which is His Natural Life. (3 pages)

Dates: 13 February, 1886
Found in: Australian Manuscripts Collection, State Library Victoria / MS 8222, Papers of Marcus Clarke / Series I: Correspondence / Sub-series 2: Letters to or about Marcus Clarke

Deakin, Alfred, Parliament House, Melbourne, to Marion Clarke, 18 November, 1890

 Item — box-folder: 455.1

Acknowledgement of a letter.

Dates: 18 November, 1890
Found in: Australian Manuscripts Collection, State Library Victoria / MS 8222, Papers of Marcus Clarke / Series I: Correspondence / Sub-series 2: Letters to or about Marcus Clarke

Deakin, Alfred, Legislative Assembly, Victoria, to Marion Clarke. (Mrs. Marcus Clarke), 30 June, 1896

 Item — box-folder: 455.1

Acknowledging receipt of the first volume of her husband's works. Had left a minute that she was to be offered the first vacancy of a post in East Melbourne. (2 pages)

Dates: 30 June, 1896
Found in: Australian Manuscripts Collection, State Library Victoria / MS 8222, Papers of Marcus Clarke / Series I: Correspondence / Sub-series 2: Letters to or about Marcus Clarke

Fitzgibbon, Edmond Gerald, Town Hall, Melbourne, to Marcus Clarke, 17 October, 1878

 Item — box-folder: 455.1

Regarding a well at Clarke's house, and the state of the soil. (2 pages)

Dates: 17 October, 1878
Found in: Australian Manuscripts Collection, State Library Victoria / MS 8222, Papers of Marcus Clarke / Series I: Correspondence / Sub-series 2: Letters to or about Marcus Clarke

Loose clippings filed in envelopes.

 File — box-folder: 455.1

Green cloth binding entitled "Clippings and things".

Found in: Australian Manuscripts Collection, State Library Victoria / MS 8222, Papers of Marcus Clarke / Series III: Newspapers and press cuttings