Report in French entitled 'Le Collage: Images Cachees dans L'imaginaire, Projet de collaboration et recherche entre artiste et enseignants', by Kate Duncan ['Collage: Pictures Hidden in the Imagination, Project of Collaboration and Research between Artist and Teachers']. 10 sections of text split into 4 segments within the file, an appendix and some colour images of children, parents, teachers and collage, with hand-written notations. Undated.
Item — box-folder: 7-4 (a)
- box-folder: 7-4 (a) (Mixed materials)
Repository details
Part of the Australian Manuscripts Collection, State Library Victoria Repository
328 Swanston Street
Melbourne Victoria 3000 Australia
03 8664 7002
328 Swanston Street
Melbourne Victoria 3000 Australia
03 8664 7002